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Sergei Boguslavskiy
2006-10-13 03:59:13 UTC
Greetings All !!

Erasure и Gareth Jones приступили к записи нового альбома.
Читать снизу вверх :)


Gareth Jones - Music Producer, Engineer, Programmer

Erasure News 2006
Thu, 12 Oct 2006
Another day another bike ride (this time in very Misty Maine) and another new
song of course. We installed Stylus on the G5 and also the Sonalksis Essential
plugins (a nice creamy sound on Andy's vocals). I realised my Nord G2 was not
working properly because I had to switch it to USA power setting (it was on
European 220 volt). I shot quite a lot of video (for the "making of DVD" - if
there is one) which was fun. I usually remember to take the lens cap off. We
had fun with Stylus. Andy was a bit tired (there were big storms last night and
I think it kept him awake), but he woke up later and we had another good
session. Happy Team. Some neighbours surpised us with a bottle of wine and
snacks, so that was a pleasant diversion. Andy is working really hard on lyrics
and we were excited by the sound of this song (P23) when we voiced it in the
evening. We thought about going to a bar and I wanted to see "All the King's
Men" but in the end we did neither. (Relatively) Early Night. I cooked Black
Bean and Carrot Soup.

Wed, 11 Oct 2006
I started the day with an hour bike ride - it was great to see the trees and
the ocean, and an amazing selection of beautiful homes . Session started at the
usual time - I played Vince the vocals that Andy had done the night before, and
we moved on to a new track. This one was a little more difficult, especially
because Andy and I especially liked Vince's original demo work. Vince worked on
the intro and outro and Middle Section and after he left Andy and I put bak
several of his demo elements into the body of the song. Sometimes Vince doesn't
realise that, without thinking about it too much, he has done something
worthwhile. Andy did some more singing on this track. As usual he was great. I
ended the session backing up and Networking the computers. O yes, and in case
you are wondering I made roast Sweet Potato with Onion and Garlic, served with
a spicy Tomato Salsa. It's raining. And I added a counter to the bottom of the
page to see how much this page is read. I hope no one minds.

Tue, 10 Oct 2006
I woke up really early -the studio looked ready for action. It was another
beautiful morning and I went for a walk on the beach. Joe picked me up at 10:00
and we went to get a rental bike for me at CycleMania. The session started at
Midday and we dived into another song. Masters at Work! Another enjoyable and
creative day.We bought a cheap printer today and Andy started printing out
lyrics. We did our first vocal session - a very warm sound with the Valve Vocal
Mic preamp (Groove Tube) and compressor (Millenia). Andy in fine voice. I made
a simple Organic Salad for supper. In the evening I cycled to the cinema to see
"The Departed", then came home to do this diary entry.

Mon, 9 Oct 2006
Today was the first "proper" day in the studio. We spent all day working on one
song (P7). First we slowed it down a bit and then worked on the rhythm and the
sounds of the riffs and melodies. Andy also did a lot of lyric writing - I
think the lyrics are almost complete for this song. A great first day - we were
all buzzing! Joe got me an office chair to edit in and we will probably have to
get a new table (this one is too high for comfortable editing). I cooked Spelt
Spaghetti with a Puttanesca Sauce. Andy read Angel Cards for Joe.

Sun, 8 Oct 2006
Vince went for a hike with his wife and child. Andy and I went to Wild Oats to
stock up our apartments. What a great store! Then Andy and I had a thorough
listening session in the studio. We needed to get organised because there is so
much material AND Andy has named all the songs, whereas Vince and I are still
using the original numbers so everything was very confusing. Also we made a
note of which bits of the unused songs we really like, the better to be able to
combine these bits. We ate left over rice with Organic Black Beans and Corn.

Sat, 7 Oct 2006
Today we set up the studio and Vince arrived and bought his gear and work so
far. We listened through to all the ideas and started to select and combine. We
chose a first "Top 10". I cooked Organic Brown Rice.

Fri , 6 Oct 2006
Left Hotel Early. Got the Amtrak up to Portland (beautiful colours in the
trees) - except it stopped half way and we would have had to load all the cases
onto a bus. Luckily Joe Brien (our assistant on the ground in Portland) was
able to drive down to Dover to pick us up. Dropped Andy at the Hotel for one
night (he moves into an Ocean Front apartment tomorrow) and cruised down to
Falmouth to check out the house that will be the studio. Seems very workable
and the cable modem had already arrived for Internet joy. The rest of the day
was spent shopping for food and bits and pieces and collecting equipment from
Ted at MusicToyz. Tomorrow we set up the studio in the living room overlooking
the ocean.
Thu, 5 Oct 2006
Flew to Boston with Andy today. Tomorrow morning we take the Amtrak up to
Portland where I have rented a house for the studio and me to live in, and a
nice looking apartment for Andy. We are putting speakers in the house and a
couple of Computers and a Microphone (minimal setup). Mostly soft synths but I
have with me my Access Virus TI and Nord G2 Modular. We will then start with
Vince on developing the songs that we have been working on in pre-production,
but now all 3 of us in the same room. Right now we are in a really horrible
hotel, but it's only one night.....Hopefully the accomodations in Portland will
be grand.

See ya All! /Sergei/

... We stroke the flames... We never quenched those all years.
al bashlaev
2006-10-13 17:14:05 UTC
mu-ur miaaaw, Sergei..

fri 13 oct 2006 08:59, Sergei Boguslavskiy wrote to All:

SB> Erasure и Gareth Jones пpистyпили к записи нового альбома.
SB> Читать снизy ввеpх :)

Да ты смотpи, Джонс пpямо-таки дневник ведёт. "А сегодня я пеpвый pаз
поцеловалась". %)
Sergei Boguslavskiy
2006-10-17 19:00:05 UTC
Greetings al !!

13 октября 2006 в 21:14, некий al bashlaev wrote to Sergei Boguslavskiy :

SB>> Erasure и Gareth Jones пpистyпили к записи нового альбома.
SB>> Читать снизy ввеpх :)

ab> Да ты смотpи, Джонс пpямо-таки дневник ведёт. "А сегодня я пеpвый pаз
ab> оцеловалась". %)
А может, даже, у него ЖЖ есть? :)
Hа самом деле-то Гарет Джоунс отличный парень (или дедушка уже) :))
"Some great reward", "Black Celebration", а когда уж в 87-м
ДМ отказались в пользу Дэйва Баскомба - получайте ответный
ход - Erasure "Wild!"... :) Это при том, что Мартин с Винсом
до сих пор дружат... :) Какни как из школы святого Hиколаса,
и Флэтч оттуда же, и Элисон Мойет, кстати...
Опять таки Джоунс затем "записал" (ну продюсер) с Erasure
"Erasure", "Cowboy" и "Other people's songs". С DM тоже
поработал над Exciter, о чём Мартин высказывался...
Вот только интересно, чем занимается сейчас Flood AKA
Mike Ellis? Работал с Эрейшей первые 2 альбома -
"Wonderland", "The Circus"... Потом с DM - "Violator"
and "SOFAD" (ну эти работы вообще супер)... потом с эрейшей
снова (2000 год - "Loveboat" - самый отстойный альбом ерасуре)
Привет всем!! просто у меня сегодня ДР.. 29 лет стукнуло,
поделился с подписчиками волнующими темами... Звиняйте,
если что не так...

I'm drunk...

See ya al! /Sergei/

... We stroke the flames... We never quenched those all years.
